Where Do I Start?

Do you have more stuff than the space to store it?

Which of these statements describes you and your relationship with your space?

  1. I often find myself wasting time because I can’t find an item I need.
  2. Sometimes, I come across things I didn’t even know I had.
  3. I can’t bear to get rid of Grandmama’s china.
  4. I have several boxes of memorabilia under the bed or in the attic.
  5. I know I have to decide what to do with my mother’s and mother-in-law’s furniture, but I keep putting it off.
  6. I have a storage facility that I pay for monthly because I can’t decide what to do with the contents. They hold fond memories for me.
  7. I find expired food in the back of the pantry (or refrigerator) that I didn’t know I had.
  8. I know I need to get rid of some stuff, but I’m like Scarlett O’Hara in “Gone with the Wind” – “I’ll think about that tomorrow”.
  9. Every time I start to declutter a space, I make such a big mess sorting and going through things. I dread even starting.
  10. I’ve thought about starting a whole-home decluttering project, but the thought is so overwhelming that I simply put off thinking any more about it.
  11. I just am not motivated to get my house in order by decluttering and organizing.
  12. I don’t have the energy to tackle big decluttering and organizing projects.
  13. I have enough closets and spare rooms to effectively “hide” all the extra stuff I don’t know what to do with.
  14. I think I’ll just wait and let my children and grandchildren deal with all the stuff.
  15. The thought of getting rid of things from my parents and grandparents is too depressing. How can I throw away precious memories?
  16. I want to declutter and organize, but I just don’t know where to start.
  17. Things may look a little cluttered, but I like having a lot of stuff around me.
  18. When I was growing up, I was taught to take care of your stuff. You don’t throw away stuff that still functions. That is wasteful.
  19. Every time I read about how to declutter and organize, it just doesn’t feel right for me. Is there really a right way to do it?
  20. It makes me so sad when I realize that my children and grandchildren don’t want the stuff that I cherish.

Write down the number of any statement that reflects how you think or feel.

Instead of “where do I start?”, should the question be “what kind of mindset do I need to cultivate before starting a major decluttering and organizing project?”

Personally, I have struggled with many of these thoughts and feelings. After all, how do you think I came up with all of them?

When you consider whether you need to declutter and organize your space, what is holding you back? If you’re happy with everything in your home  – the stuff you have and where you have it, then don’t let anyone tell you what you need to do.

However, if thinking about any of these statements makes you feel uncomfortable, what needs to change for you? Or what do you need to change? Your mind?



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I’m Vicki Peel, former home economics teacher and educational administrator. If you are not receiving my emails, coupons, and freebies, look for the Subscribe block (below right) and submit your contact information. I will not share your information with anyone, and all the content you will receive as part of our community is free. I may occasionally promote someone else’s paid content, offer a product for your consideration or share an item that I think might be of use to you. However, you are under no obligation to purchase anything – ever. So, sign up now so you won’t miss anything!
