HER Life Hacks has narrowed its focus. As I reflect on my life in this 4th quarter of my life, my perspective has shifted. Therefore, the content I create and share is now reflected in these three pillars: Clear Clutter, Organize, and Preserve.
Hence, the slogan “C.O.P. Out!” (HER Life Hacks)
The value of legacy
And this is what I’m doing in my life – Clearing the Clutter, which means simplifying my surroundings to get rid of things I don’t need, want, or love.
I’m Organizing the stuff I have after the clutter has cleared.
And I’m Preserving my legacy and heritage for future generations – nothing so grandiose as to impact the world, but for family – my world.
There was an old song (1972) entitled “I Can See Clearly Now”, which pretty much sums up why I’m taking HER Life Hacks in this direction. I narrowed my content down to these three concepts.
But the driving force behind plans, content, and action is Preserve.
Mindset adjustment: What do you want your children, grandchildren, and/or other family members to remember about you?
Preserving Values, Not Just Things
Many of us reflect on our lives as we age, but preserving our heritage goes beyond nostalgia—it’s about creating a meaningful connection for future generations. It provides a sense of belonging to know where you came from. And that provides a measure of grounding in one’s life for planning future direction.
That’s why preserving family heritage and legacy is so powerful. creating your own legacy – who you are and where you came from – your heritage. The result of your actions can leave a powerful and lasting impact on your family and future generations.
While I possess many precious items from my parents and grandparents, those things are not the most important.
I’ve discovered through the years that my children may not be as sentimental as I am. They have stuff of their own, and my stuff may not fit their lifestyle. There was a time when this concerned me a lot. I wanted to see those things passed along to their children and grandchildren.
But I’ve come to realize that it’s more important to preserve values, not just things.
Our life experiences – the lessons we’ve learned about resilience, kindness, perseverance – are more valuable than any material possessions. And when we see those values reflected in the lives of our children and grandchildren, we then recognize the true impact of living your values.
Those values passed down become a family’s moral compass, shaping decisions, behaviors, and relationships for years to come. Just by sharing our beliefs, struggles, and moral lessons, we can influence how future generations approach challenges and opportunities.
For example, surviving hardship could teach the value of perseverance and gratitude, offering guidance during tough times. We’ve seen that story played out in the lives of the victims of Hurricane Helene and the many volunteers, friends, neighbors, and strangers who have given of their time, possessions, and money to respond to this crisis and provide the help needed. The strength of connection is powerful.
Therefore, preserving and passing on is how I’m framing my decluttering and organizing experiences. And that has shifted my thinking and decisions about what to do with stuff.
Our Preservation Project
My husband, Wayne, and I started a video series on YouTube called HIM & HER. Our first video was about when we began dating – a LONG time ago.
Now, we’re working on telling and preserving our story for our children and grandchildren.
I created My Life, My Legacy Journal to capture and share your story. And that is what we’re doing. We are working our way through the journal, answering the questions in it and videoing the process.
You can see the first video in which we address questions in the Introduction. These are just basic questions to get started telling the story of our lives together. And we completed only half of that section.
You can see it all revealed here: My Life, My Legacy Journal 📝 Written in Real Time by HIM & HER.
We will continue to record and share our responses. Spoiler alert – the second part of the Introduction is hilarious! We reveal our most embarrassing moments! Part 2 of the Introduction to My Life, My Legacy Journal will be released soon!
What are your thoughts? How have you considered and/or taken action to preserve your legacy?
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I’m Vicki Peel, former home economics teacher and educational administrator. If you are not receiving my emails, coupons, and freebies, go to my website – https://HERLifehacks.com, and pick up my free copy of HER Heritage HOMEwork Checklist. I will not share your information with anyone, and all the content you will receive as part of our community is free. I may occasionally promote someone else’s paid content, offer a product for your consideration or share an item that I think might be of use to you. However, you are under no obligation to purchase anything – ever. So, sign up now so you won’t miss anything during our July through September focus on LIFESTYLE!